latest news
latest news and updates from the field and from research
Join us in the “Rebuilding Series: 21 February – 6 March 2024, 5 p.m. UTC
Article Published
a newly published article that discusses the building dynamics in Ottoman period Palestine based on archival materials that goes back to 400 years
Gaza Rebuilding
The Yalla Project team is participating in two international initiatives that discuss the potential plans for Gaza’s postwar rebuilding
Yalla in Venice Biennale 2023
We are in Venice, featuring our work in San Marino pavilion under the theme “Hosting in Hostility”.
a new research partnership with Canada
Yalla is the local partner in a research project on emerging forms of urbanism in Palestine with McGill University and Université de Montréal, Canada
Al-Ein Street Regeneration
Yalla is coordinating a collaborative project for the regeneration of Al-Ein street in Al-Bireh.
Our Actions
Since 2019
The years 2022 and 2023 were tense and violent, however, despite and throughout the Israeli aggression against Nablus we continued our achievements.

Socio-economic agenda
more than 37 activities
tens of families in the old town benefited from our socio-economic activities.

Green agenda
2 organic farms
one organic farm started its production and another one is under construction.

Media spotlight
featured in international media
featured in multiple national and international media outlets. know more about being Featured in the Guardian and in Al Fanar Magazine, and see Dalal Abu Amneh’s video clip at Turquoise roofttop

academic agenda
more than 6 academic activities
lecturing and presenting in multiple national and international universities.
Our Team
We work collectively, our actions involve multiple actors without whom no action can be materialized. Below you see the core team members, however, you are always welcome onboard.